Other Anal Conditions
Other Anal Conditions
Other Anal Conditions

Incontinence, Blood in stool, Anal warts, Genital warts, Cosmetic concerns

Rectal incontinence

(Weak Anal Sphincter Muscle or incomplete closure of anal sphincter muscles, i. e. weak anal closure), it could be secondary to many factors , namely trauma, previous surgery or certain neurological disorders. For partial and complete Rectal incontinence, we developed over the years of our extensive collective experience in this understated and surprisingly common condition some new, innovative and non-surgical laser solutions that have been excellent results. Namely, utilizing some of the laser’s power and effects on tissues to cause long lasting controlled contraction in the anal canal while stimulating the Sphincter muscles elements to bulk up and become more responsive to the body’s needs in both rest and defecation.

Anal stenosis

(tightening of anus, caused by fibrosis/scaring or muscle spasm) ; Being a referral center, we see these cases more often than others, the majority of cases are caused by previous overzealous anal surgery where the surgeon removed too much anal skin, for these patients we perform a simple plastic laser assisted surgery that restore there normal anus anatomy with immediate relief. the procedure is called ” Anoplasty ” and can be under simple local anesthesia and is nearly always successful in relieving the patient’s symptoms.

Anal itching

(70% has no physical identifiable cause, 30% is associated with an identifiable treatable condition ). Our specialists are experts in identifying anal itching cause and treating it. Causes of organic ( or pathological ) Anal Itching are numerous, a simple physical exam and rarely few lab tests will suffice, we shall initiate treatment from the first visit. Even Idiopathic Anal Itching ( the one associated with no identifiable cause ) can be effectively treated with several new and innovative methods. Rectal bleeding (most bright red blood seen with bowel movement is caused by anorectal lesion that could be easily treated.), same visit endoscopic test takes few minutes and identify the cause of rectal bleeding with certainty, the treatment can be implemented immediately or an appointment is set after little preparation. Anal warts seen commonly recently , they are related to transmitted virus (not necessarily by direct contact). The warts could extend to the anal canal and transform into cancer, therefore they are very important to treat , they can causes itching, bleeding,… etc

Genital warts and HPV Virus Lesions

Affect both men and women and can occur at any age, they are flesh-colored or gray growths found in the genital area and anal region. Genital warts are sometimes referred to as Condyloma Acuminata. They represent the most common direct contact-transmitted disease caused by a virus. The warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Infection with genital warts may not be obvious especially in women.

Genital warts can be spread by direct contact, by sharing towels or other items. You should not use wart creams that are available over the counter because they are designed to only treat warts on the hands or verrucas. If you are diagnosed with genital warts, it is recommended you do not have direct contact, until your genital warts have fully healed. This will help prevent you passing the infection on to others. It will also help speed up your recovery.

Of all treatment methods available to us in modern medicine, we became distinguished at Laven Clinics by our effective, swift and painless approach to Genital warts issue, we combine, in our treatment protocols, effective laser ablation applied in the first visit to eliminate all visible lesions and kill the virus at their roots, with topical treatment solution that boost the local skin autoimmune capability to kill the invisible microscopic remaining live virus in surrounding skin and prevent recurrence, along with vaccination of patient and partner(s). We treat at Laven Clinic all patients with Genital warts of all types , both males and Females ( portion of Female patients with Vaginal or Cervical involvement are referred to our Gynecology colleagues for evaluation and completion of treatment when needed ).

Our specific warts laser treatment type depends on the location, multitude and thickness of the lesions but in all scenarios it is performed in a nearly painless fashion, within few minutes, in an office, discrete setting. We treat all types of warts (Genital and Non-genital) and in all locations (hands, feet,Facial, private parts..etc) in, again, discrete and private setting.

One final word in relation to Anal Canal warts

Not all patients with anal warts have anal canal warts and vice versa, but examining the anal canal for warts is extremely important, because of the few but serious consequences of developing anal canal cancer following HPV infections reaching the mucosal lining of the anal canal, this is usually done by Proctoscopy (in office procedure, done by insertion of a lit scope in the anus and physically looking in an organized fashion for any wart lesion and lasering it when found, it is an integral part of our anal warts treatment protocol). In the vast majority of our patients we are able to cure their warts within one or more session of treatment.

More reading on Genital warts, HPV Virus and Vaccine :

What is HPV?

HPV stands for human papilloma virus. HPVs are a group of more than 150 related viruses. Each HPV virus in the group is given a number, and is called an HPV type(for instance, HPV-16). HPVs are called papillomaviruses because some of the HPV types cause warts or papillomas, which are non-cancerous tumors. But some types of HPV are known for causing cancer. The papilloma viruses are attracted to and are able to live only in certain cells in the body called squamous epithelial cells. These cells are found on the surface of the skin and on moist surfaces (called mucosal surfaces).
About 75% of the HPV types cause warts on the skin – often on the arms, chest, hands, and feet. These are common warts. The other 25% of HPV types are considered mucosal types of HPV. These can infect the moist surface layers that line organs and cavities of the body that open to the outside. The mucosal HPV types are also called genital (or anogenital) type HPVs because they often affect the anal and genital area.

Can vaccination for HPV virus help someone who already has genital warts? Will it help to protect my partner?

Getting the HPV vaccine is definitely still a good idea for you. That’s because there are different types of HPV – some that cause warts, and others than those that cause cancer. Even if you have already been infected with the type of HPV that caused Genital warts, you can still protect yourself against other types of HPV that can cause cancer since you may not be infected with those types yet.
The vaccine is approved for women and men up to age 45.